About the Parish
Christ Church has served the people of Tunstall in Stoke on Trent and beyond since 1832 at some of the most important times in their lives.
In 2010 the former parishes of Goldenhill and Tunstall were combined to create a new single parish, Christ Church being the parish church.
We aim to be a welcoming and friendly church and we look forward to welcoming you to Christ Church.
New Christians are welcomed in the Sacrament of Baptism, couples are
joined in the Sacrament of Marriage, and the departed are commended to God at their funerals.
This is an Anglo Catholic parish, in which the Mass is the central act of worship, following Jesus' command to "Do this in memory of me".
The Parish of Goldenhill and Tunstall is a Church of England parish in the Deanery of Stoke-on-Trent in The Diocese of Lichfield, which is under the pastoral care of The Bishop of Oswestry, having passed a motion under the House of Bishop’s Declaration. We are a Forward in Faith registered parish and are also affiliated to The Society.
We are firmly committed to playing our role within the deanery and the diocese, for the mutual flourishing of all.
We look to provide spiritual and pastoral care for those who live within our parish, and for those who worship with us from outside the parish.
Mission is very important to us, and we are committed to welcome and grow
people in their faith and prayer lives, so that they may know God and his love
for them and come follow Christ in the footsteps of St Chad.
The current Vicar is Canon John Stather SSC, who has been at Christ Church Tunstall since 2008.

Fr John after having blessed
a new microbrewery in the parish.