Christ Church Tunstall Choir
The Choir
The Christ Church Choir helps with the leading of worship, especially at the 10am Mass on Sunday mornings.
As well as supporting the congregational singing of the hymns, Mass setting and responsorial psalm, the choir also sing an anthem during Communion.
The choir also sings on other Festivals and Feast Days when there is an evening Sung Mass.
At Christ Church there is a service at the beginning of Advent, Darkness into Light, and a Christmas Carol Service, both of which take place by candlelight and the choir sing a number of anthems.
The choir also sing at a number of services in the run up to Easter, especially on Palm Sunday when we have an evening of Music and Readings for Passiontide and then the Triduum, the three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the East Vigil on Holy Saturday.
Choir practice takes place on Thursday evenings at 7pm.
If you are interested in joining the choir please come along to Christ Church for the 10am Sunday Mass and speak to our organist and choirmaster, Selwyn Viggars.