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Christ Church Tunstall Servers

The Servers

The serving team assist the priest at Mass and ensure that everything runs smoothly. The servers arrive in good time before Mass to make sure everything is ready and they light the candles on the altar. 


There are a number of different roles, including the thurifer and boat boy, who carry the thurible (which contains the burning coals) and the boat (which contains the incense which is burned), the crucifer, who carries the cross, acolytes, who carry the candles, and often the MC (Master of Ceremonies) who makes sure everything happens when it should!

The servers include adults, young people

and children.


Servers also assist at Benediction on

Sunday evenings and at the evening

masses on certain feast days.


If you would like to help serve God in this

important ministry have a word with Fr John,

or Chris Barnett, our Head Server after the Sunday 10am Mass.


A number of the servers at Christ Church are members of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary.

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