Harvest Supper & Harvest Festival
There will be a Harvest Supper next month in the Church Hall on Saturday 14th October, a sign up list will appear in church later this...

Drone Footage of Christ Church Tunstall
Working with a local amateur drone pilot we have produced some footage of the exterior and interior of Christ Church. Enjoy the virtual...

S. Werburgh's Assumption Festival
On Sunday 13th August S. Werburgh’s, High Lane are keeping their Assumption Festival at 3pm. The preacher this year will be Fr Derek...

Parish Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
A number of parishioners went on Pilgrimage this weekend to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. The weekend was a mix of...

Summer Fair Thank You
Thanks to all those who came and supported the Summer Fair and manned stalls and sold raffle tickets. The weather wasn't too bad and only...

Summer Fair

Eve of Corpus Christi Mass
Last night we celebrated the Eve of the Feast of Corpus Christi. It was a good evening and a joy to welcome the new(ish) Bishop of...

Eve of Corpus Christi Mass
On Wednesday 14th June we look forward to welcoming the Bishop of Lichfield, Bishop Michael Ipgrave to be the preacher at our Eve of...

Concert at Christ Church, Tunstall
Cheadle Choral Society will be performing at a concert at Christ Church, Tunstall on Friday 19th May at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be...

Mothering Sunday at Christ Church Tunstall
The Fourth Sunday in Lent is know as ‘Mid-Lent’, ‘Refreshment Sunday’ or ‘Laetare Sunday, when the rigors of Lent were relaxed more than...